Surgery Negligence Compensation

Legal Helpline: ☎ 1800 529 835


The Consultant General Surgeon is a surgeon who deals with a wide range of surgical conditions. The Consultant General Surgeon may be known as a General Surgeon with a special interest in a variety of sub-specialties such as Abdominal Surgery or Neck Surgery or Colo-Rectal Surgery.

Surgery negligence compensation cases have occurred in various areas in which General Surgeons practice including: abdominal surgery; colo-rectal surgery and hepato-biliary surgery.

Our solicitors are experts at handling surgical negligence claims. If you would like information on how they can help you claim compensation, contact our legal team today.

Surgery negligence cases

  • Injuries suffered during laparoscopic ('keyhole') surgery;
  • Injuries suffered during hernia repair, gall bladder removal, hysterectomy and other abdominal surgery;
  • Injuries suffered following orthopaedic surgery (including back surgery, hip replacement, osteotomy, compartment syndrome, and cauda equina syndrome);
  • Post-operative infections;
  • Failure to warn of material risks;
  • Bladder damage during cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal);
  • Breach of infection control guidelines;
  • Failure to sterilise surgical equipment;
  • Negligently performed stomach stapling surgery;
  • Improperly performed varicose vein surgery;
  • Post-operative infection;
  • Operations on the wrong body part;
  • Surgical instruments, scissors, swabs and other devices left inside the body during operation;
  • Needless operation– When this type of surgical error occurs it’s usually because one doctor did not receive information from another. Thus, a patient may be operated on even though he or she never needed an operation to begin with. This means the individual experienced the trauma of an operation for absolutely no reason.

Legal Advice

It is important to remember that not every adverse medical outcome that occurs with surgery is the result of medical negligence. Just because something goes wrong, does necessarily mean that negligence has occurred. Surgical mistakes do occur. However some mistakes are not just mere surgical errors- they are the result of a negligently performed operations.

If you are concerned that your treatment has been substandard and that you have suffered damage or loss as a result, you should consider making a formal complaint and/or seeking the advice of a medical negligence solicitor who will investigate the possibility of a compensation claim for negligent surgery.

If you would like free information and advice on your compensation rights, contact our legal team today.




☎ 1800 529 835


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